Are Burmese Cats Rare? – Pet's Satisfaction


Are Burmese Cats Rare?

Burmese cat in front of door

If you are a cat lover, you might have heard of Burmese cats, or even own one yourself. These cats are known for their silky coats, expressive eyes, and affectionate personalities. But have you ever wondered: are Burmese cats rare?

Burmese cats are not as common as some other breeds, but they are not endangered either. They have a long and fascinating history, dating back to ancient times in Southeast Asia. These cats have also faced some challenges, such as genetic diseases, breeding controversies, and regional variations.

How Rare Are Burmese Cats in the World?

You might think that Burmese cats are rare because you don't see them often in your neighborhood or on social media. But the truth is, Burmese cats are not that rare in the world, compared to some other breeds. But they are not very common either, and their availability depends on several factors.

Global Popularity and Distribution of Burmese Cats

Burmese cats are one of the oldest and most established cat breeds in the world. They originated from Burma (now Myanmar), where they were revered as sacred animals and kept by royalty and monks.

They were brought to the West by a retired American naval officer in the 1930s, and since then, they have spread to many countries and continents.

According to the International Cat Association (TICA), Burmese cats are the 12th most popular cat breed in the world, based on the number of registered cats in 2019.

Burmese cat in wooden basket

They are more popular in some regions than others, such as Europe, Australia, and North America. They are less popular in Asia, Africa, and South America, where they face more competition from other breeds and local cats.

Here is a chart showing the top 10 countries with the most registered Burmese cats in 2019, according to TICA:

Country Number of Registered Burmese Cats
United States 1,234
United Kingdom 789
Australia 567
Germany 456
France 345
Canada 234
Italy 123
Netherlands 111
Sweden 99
Japan 88

Burmese cats are not very rare in the world, but their popularity and distribution vary by region.

Factors Affecting the Availability of Burmese Cats

Even though Burmese cats are not extremely rare in the world, they are not easy to find either. There are several factors that affect the availability of Burmese cats.

Breeding standards and regulations

Burmese cats have different breeding standards and regulations in different countries and associations. For example, in the United States, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) only recognizes the sable color for Burmese cats, while TICA recognizes other colors, such as blue, lilac, red, and cream.

In the United Kingdom, the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) recognizes two types of Burmese cats: the British Burmese and the European Burmese, which have different body shapes and colors. These differences can affect the supply and demand of Burmese cats in different markets.

Genetic diversity and health issues

Burmese cats have a limited gene pool, which means they have less genetic diversity and more risk of inherited diseases. Some of the common health issues that affect Burmese cats are hypokalemia (low potassium levels), diabetes, craniofacial defect (a skull deformity), and lymphoma (a type of cancer).

These health issues can reduce the lifespan and quality of life of Burmese cats, and also discourage some breeders and owners from breeding them.

Cost and availability of breeders

Burmese cats are not cheap to buy or maintain. The average price of a Burmese kitten can range from $500 to $1,500, depending on the breeder, location, color, and pedigree. The cost of caring for a Burmese cat can also be high, considering the potential health issues, grooming, feeding, and vet bills.

Burmese cat on white carpet

Moreover, finding a reputable and responsible Burmese cat breeder can be challenging, as not all breeders follow ethical and humane practices. Some breeders may also have long waiting lists, limited litters, or strict requirements for buyers.

Burmese cats are not easy to find, due to breeding standards and regulations, genetic diversity and health issues, and cost and availability of breeders.

How to Find a Reputable Burmese Cat Breeder

If you are determined to get a Burmese cat, you need to do your research and find a reputable and responsible Burmese cat breeder. A reputable breeder is someone who cares about the health, welfare, and temperament of their cats, and follows the ethical and professional standards of their association.

A responsible breeder is someone who screens their cats for genetic diseases, provides health certificates and guarantees, socializes their kittens, and spays or neuters them before selling them. In the following, you will learn about some tips on how to find a reputable Burmese cat breeder.

Ask for referrals

The best way to find a reputable Burmese cat breeder is to ask for referrals from people you trust, such as your vet, friends, family, or other Burmese cat owners. You can also join online forums, groups, or clubs for Burmese cat lovers, and ask for recommendations from experienced and knowledgeable members.

Check the association websites

Another way to find a reputable Burmese cat breeder is to check the websites of the associations that register and recognize Burmese cats, such as TICA, CFA, GCCF, or Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe).

These websites usually have a list of registered and approved breeders, along with their contact information, location, and website. You can also check the breed standards, codes of ethics, and show results of the breeders on these websites.

Visit the breeder's website and premises

Once you have a shortlist of potential Burmese cat breeders, you should visit their websites and premises, if possible. On their websites, you should look for information about their breeding philosophy, experience, testimonials, and photos of their cats and kittens.

On their premises, you should look for signs of cleanliness, spaciousness, comfort, and safety for their cats and kittens. Meet the breeder in person, and ask them questions about their cats, such as their health history, personality, diet, grooming, and socialization.

Burmese cat breeders can be found by asking for referrals, checking the association websites, and visiting the breeder's website and premises.

Burmese cat under table

Burmese Cat Rarity: FAQ

You might have some questions about Burmese cats and their rarity in the world. In this section, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Burmese cats, such as why they are so popular, how to identify them, and what their price is.

Burmese cats are popular for many reasons, but mainly because of their personality and appearance. Burmese cats are very friendly, loyal, and affectionate. They love to be around people and other pets, and they often act like dogs. These cats are also very intelligent, curious, and playful.

Burmese cats can learn tricks, fetch toys, and even open doors. Burmese cats are also very beautiful, with their silky coats, expressive eyes, and muscular bodies.

They come in various colors, such as sable, blue, lilac, red, and cream. Burmese cats are the perfect companions for anyone who wants a loving, lively, and elegant pet.

Burmese cats are popular because of their personality and appearance.

How Do I Know if My Cat Is a Burmese?

If you have a cat that looks like a Burmese, but you are not sure if they are a purebred or a mix, there are some ways to tell. One way is to look at their pedigree, if you have it. A pedigree is a document that shows the ancestry of your cat, and it can help you confirm if your cat is a Burmese or not.

Another way is to look at their physical features, such as their coat, eyes, ears, tail, and body shape. Burmese cats have a short, glossy, and fine coat that lies close to their body.

They have large, round, and slightly slanted eyes that are usually yellow or gold. Burmese cats have medium-sized, rounded, and slightly tilted ears that are set well apart.

They have a medium-length, tapered, and blunt tail that is in proportion to their body. Burmese cats have a medium-sized, compact, and muscular body that is heavier than it looks. If your cat has these features, they are likely to be a Burmese or a mix.

Burmese cats can be identified by their pedigree or their physical features.

What Is the Price of a Burmese Cat?

The price of a Burmese cat can vary depending on several factors, such as the breeder, location, color, and pedigree. The average price of a Burmese kitten can range from $500 to $1,500, depending on the quality and reputation of the breeder.

The price can also vary by location, as some regions have more or less demand and supply of Burmese cats. The color of the cat can also affect the price, as some colors are more rare or desirable than others. For example, sable is the most common and standard color for Burmese cats, while red and cream are more rare and expensive.

The pedigree of the cat can also influence the price, as some cats have more prestigious or pure bloodlines than others. For example, a cat that has won awards or comes from a champion lineage can cost more than a cat that has no titles or history.

Burmese cats have different prices depending on the breeder, location, color, and pedigree.


Burmese cats are amazing pets that have a lot to offer to their owners. They are friendly, loyal, intelligent, and beautiful. This breed has a long and rich history, and they are not very rare in the world, but they are not very common either.

If you are interested in getting a Burmese cat, you need to do your homework and find a reputable breeder who can provide you with a healthy and well-socialized kitten.

You also need to be prepared to care for your Burmese cat properly, and give them the love and attention they deserve. Burmese cats are not for everyone, but they are perfect for those who want a loyal, lively, and elegant companion.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about Burmese cats and their rarity. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading, and have a purr-fect day!

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