Maine Coon – Pet's Satisfaction


Maine Coon

  • Why Does My Maine Coon Bite Me?

    Welcome, Maine Coon owners and enthusiasts! If you're reading this, chances are you've been on the receiving end of a bite from your furry friend. You might be wondering, "Why does my Maine Coon bite me?" Well, you're not alone, and we're here to help you understand this behavior.
  • Why Does My Maine Coon Follow Me Everywhere?

    If you have a Maine Coon, you probably know how much they love to follow you around the house. Whether you're cooking, working, sleeping, or watching TV, your furry friend is always by your side. But why does your Maine Coon follow you everywhere?
  • Why Does My Maine Coon Meow So Much?

    Owning a Maine Coon, you probably know how vocal they can be. These fluffy giants are not shy about expressing themselves with a variety of sounds, from meows and chirps to trills and purrs.
  • Why Is My Maine Coon Not Affectionate?

    As a proud owner of a Maine Coon, you probably love their fluffy fur, big ears, and long tails. But do you also love their personality? Maine Coons are known for being intelligent, playful, and loyal cats. But are they affectionate?
  • Why Is My Maine Coon Shedding So Much?

    Table of Contents 1. The Causes of Maine Coon Shedding 1.1. Seasonal and Genetic Factors 1.2. Health and Stress Issues 1.3. Diet and Nutrition ...
  • Why Is My Maine Coon So Aggressive?

    As a proud owner of a Maine Coon cat, you probably love their fluffy fur, big ears, and gentle personality. But what if your Maine Coon suddenly becomes aggressive and starts biting, scratching, or hissing at you or other pets? You might wonder: Why is my Maine Coon so aggressive?
  • Why Is My Maine Coon So Needy?

    If you own a Maine Coon, you probably know how much they love to be around you. They follow you everywhere, demand your attention, and cuddle with you whenever they can. But sometimes, you might wonder: Why is my Maine Coon so needy?
  • Where Can I Buy a Maine Coon Cat?

    The majestic Maine Coon is known for its large size, fluffy coat, and friendly personality. But where can you buy a Maine Coon cat?
  • How to Tell if Your Cat Is a Maine Coon

    If you're a cat owner, you probably know that there are many different breeds of cats, each with their own unique features and personalities. Some of these breeds are more common than others, and some are more rare and exotic.
  • What Do Maine Coon Cats Eat?

    Maine Coon cats are one of the most beloved cat breeds in the world. They are known for their large size, playful nature, and beautiful coats. If you’re a Maine Coon cat owner, you know that these cats are a joy to be around. But what do Maine Coon cats eat?
  • Why Does My Maine Coon Trill?

    Most owners of a Maine Coon have probably already wondered about the strange use of vocalization of their furry darling compared to other cat breeds.
    But this leads us to a question:

    Why Do Maine Coons Trill? A Maine Coon learns to trill and chirp early on from its mother, where it's used by the mother cat as a means to command the kitten to pay attention or as a simple greeting.

  • Why Does My Maine Coon Drool?

    If there is one behavior owners of Maine Coons find rather baffling or even worrying, it is the drooling their furry friends tend to engage in. A salivating Maine Coon is nothing extraordinary and most of the time nothing to be worried about.