How Much Are Russian Blue Cats? – Pet's Satisfaction


How Much Are Russian Blue Cats?

Russian blue cat in blanket on couch

If you are a cat lover, you might have heard of the Russian Blue cat breed. These cats are known for their striking blue eyes, silky silver coat, and graceful demeanor. But how much are Russian Blue cats, and what factors affect their price?

So, how much are Russian Blue cats? The price can vary depending on several factors. However, on average, you can expect to pay between $400 and $800 for a Russian Blue kitten, and between $600 and $1200 for an adult cat.

Factors Affecting the Price of Russian Blue Cats

As you might have guessed, the price of a Russian Blue cat is not fixed, but rather depends on a number of factors that can influence the supply and demand of this breed.

Breeder Reputation and Location

One of the first and most important factors that affect the price of a Russian Blue cat is the reputation and location of the breeder. A reputable breeder is someone who has a lot of experience and knowledge in breeding Russian Blue cats, and who follows ethical and professional standards in their practice.

A reputable breeder will also provide you with health certificates, vaccination records, and pedigree papers for your cat, as well as offer you support and advice after the purchase.

Russian blue kitten on wooden railing

The location of the breeder also matters, as it can affect the availability and accessibility of Russian Blue cats in your area. For example, if you live in a region where Russian Blue cats are rare or in high demand, you might have to pay more or travel farther to find a breeder.

On the other hand, if you live in a region where Russian Blue cats are more common or less popular, you might have more options and lower prices to choose from.

The reputation and location of the breeder can make a big difference in the price of a Russian Blue cat.

Pedigree and Registration

The pedigree is the family tree of the cat, which shows its ancestry and lineage. The registration is the official recognition of the cat by a cat association or organization, such as the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) or The International Cat Association (TICA).

A Russian Blue cat with a pure and traceable pedigree, and a registration from a reputable cat association, will usually cost more than a Russian Blue cat with a mixed or unknown pedigree, or no registration at all.

This is because a pedigree and a registration can prove the authenticity and quality of the cat, as well as its eligibility for participating in cat shows and competitions.

But a pedigree and a registration are not the only indicators of a Russian Blue cat's value, as they do not guarantee the health, personality, or appearance of the cat.

Russian blue cat in crop field

Therefore, you should not base your decision solely on these factors, but also consider other aspects of the cat, such as its temperament, behavior, and physical traits.

A pedigree and a registration can increase the price of a Russian Blue cat, but they are not the only factors that matter.

Age and Health

The age and health of a Russian Blue cat can also affect its price, as they can influence the lifespan and well-being of the cat.

Generally speaking, younger cats are more expensive than older cats, as they have more potential and less risk of developing health problems. However, older cats can also be valuable, especially if they have been well-cared for and have a good health history.

The health of a Russian Blue cat is largely determined by its genetics, diet, and environment. A healthy Russian Blue cat will have a shiny coat, clear eyes, clean ears, and a good appetite.

A healthy Russian Blue cat will also be free of any genetic diseases or disorders, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which is a heart condition that can affect some Russian Blue cats.

Russian blue kitten on wooden bench

Before you buy a Russian Blue cat, you should always ask the breeder for a health certificate and a veterinary check-up for the cat, as well as any relevant health records of its parents and siblings.

You should also inspect the cat yourself, and look for any signs of illness or injury, such as sneezing, coughing, limping, or scratching. If you notice any red flags, you should consult a veterinarian before making a purchase.

The age and health of a Russian Blue cat can affect its price and its quality of life.

Supply and Demand

The supply and demand of a breed can vary depending on the season, the region, the popularity, and the availability of the breed. For example, if there are more Russian Blue cats than buyers, the price will go down, and vice versa.

The supply and demand of Russian Blue cats can also be influenced by external factors, such as trends, events, or media exposure.

For instance, if a Russian Blue cat becomes famous on social media, or wins a prestigious cat show, or appears in a popular movie or TV show, the demand for the breed might increase, and so will the price.

Conversely, if a Russian Blue cat is involved in a scandal, or suffers from a disease outbreak, or faces a legal ban, the demand for the breed might decrease, and so will the price.

Russian blue cat in front of painting

Therefore, you should always do your research and compare prices from different sources before buying a Russian Blue cat, as the price might fluctuate depending on the current market situation.

Also be wary of any extreme or unrealistic prices, as they might indicate a scam or a poor quality cat.

The supply and demand of Russian Blue cats can change the price of the breed in the market.

Average Cost of Russian Blue Cats by Region

As we have seen, the price of a Russian Blue cat can vary depending on several factors, such as the breeder, the pedigree, the age, and the health of the cat.

However, another factor that can influence the price of a Russian Blue cat is the region where you live or buy the cat. In this section, we will compare the average cost of Russian Blue cats by region, and see how different regions can affect the price of this breed.

North America

In North America, the average cost of a Russian Blue cat ranges from $400 to $1000, depending on the country, the state, and the city.

The United States is the most expensive country to buy a Russian Blue cat, as the demand for this breed is high and the supply is low.

The average cost of a Russian Blue cat in the US is around $800, but it can go up to $1000 or more in some states, such as California, New York, or Florida.

Canada is slightly cheaper, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in Canada is around $600, but it can vary from $400 to $800 depending on the province and the city.

Russian blue kitten on playground

Mexico is the cheapest country to buy a Russian Blue cat in North America, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in Mexico is around $400, but it can range from $300 to $500 depending on the region and the quality of the cat.

The average cost of a Russian Blue cat in North America is higher than in other regions, due to the high demand and low supply of this breed.


In Europe, the average cost of a Russian Blue cat ranges from $300 to $800, depending on the country, the currency, and the quality of the cat.

The United Kingdom is the most expensive country to buy a Russian Blue cat in Europe, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in the UK is around £600, which is equivalent to about $800.

The UK is the original home of the Russian Blue breed, and has some of the most reputable and experienced breeders in the world.

France, Germany, and Italy are moderately priced, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in these countries is around €500, which is equivalent to about $600. These countries have a moderate demand and supply of Russian Blue cats, and have some good quality breeders and associations.

Spain, Portugal, and Greece are the cheapest countries to buy a Russian Blue cat in Europe, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in these countries is around €300, which is equivalent to about $400. These countries have a lower demand and supply of Russian Blue cats, and have fewer breeders and associations.

The average cost of a Russian Blue cat in Europe is lower than in North America, but varies widely depending on the country and the currency.


In Asia, the average cost of a Russian Blue cat ranges from $200 to $800, depending on the country, the culture, and the availability of the cat.

Japan is the most expensive country to buy a Russian Blue cat in Asia, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in Japan is around ¥80,000, which is equivalent to about $800.

Japan has a high demand and a low supply of Russian Blue cats, as they are considered a rare and exotic breed. Japan also has a strong culture of cat lovers, and has some of the best cat cafes and hotels in the world.

China, India, and Thailand are moderately priced, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in these countries is around $400. These countries have a moderate demand and supply of Russian Blue cats, and have some decent breeders and associations.

But these countries also have some issues with animal welfare and regulation, and some Russian Blue cats might be sold illegally or unethically.

Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines are the cheapest countries to buy a Russian Blue cat in Asia, as the average cost of a Russian Blue cat in these countries is around $200.

These countries have a low demand and supply of Russian Blue cats, and have few breeders and associations. They also have some challenges with poverty and natural disasters, and some Russian Blue cats might be neglected or abandoned.

The average cost of a Russian Blue cat in Asia is lower than in Europe, but varies widely depending on the country and the culture.

Australia and New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand, the average cost of a Russian Blue cat ranges from $500 to $1000, depending on the state, the city, and the quality of the cat.

Australia and New Zealand have a high demand and a low supply of Russian Blue cats, as they are considered a rare and desirable breed.

Australia and New Zealand also have strict quarantine and import regulations, which make it difficult and expensive to bring Russian Blue cats from other countries.

Russian blue cat in snow

The average cost of a Russian Blue cat in Australia is around $800, but it can vary from $500 to $1000 depending on the state and the city.

The average cost of a Russian Blue cat in New Zealand is around $1000, but it can range from $800 to $1200 depending on the region and the quality of the cat.

The average cost of a Russian Blue cat in Australia and New Zealand is higher than in Asia, due to the high demand and low supply of this breed.

Russian Blue Cat Costs: FAQ

These questions are based on the information that we have provided in the previous sections, as well as on the general curiosity and interest of cat lovers. If you have any other questions that are not covered here, feel free to leave a comment below, and we will try to answer them as soon as possible.

How Much Are Russian Blue Worth?

The worth of a Russian Blue cat is not only determined by its price, but also by its value as a companion, a friend, and a family member. A Russian Blue cat is worth as much as you are willing to pay for it, and as much as you are willing to love and care for it.

But if you are looking for a numerical answer, the average worth of a Russian Blue cat is around $600, based on the average cost of this breed in different regions.

Of course, this number can vary depending on the factors that we have discussed in the previous sections, such as the breeder, the pedigree, the age, the health, and the market situation of the cat.

The worth of a Russian Blue cat is subjective, but the average worth is around $600.

Why Are Blue Russian Cats So Expensive?

Blue Russian cats are so expensive because they are a rare and desirable breed, with a unique and beautiful appearance, a gentle and loyal personality, and a low-maintenance and hypoallergenic coat.

Blue Russian cats are also expensive because they are not easy to breed, as they have a limited gene pool and a strict breeding standard.

Moreover, Blue Russian cats are expensive because they are in high demand and low supply, as they are sought after by many cat lovers and collectors, but there are not many breeders and associations that can provide them.

Blue Russian cats are expensive because they are rare, desirable, and hard to breed.

Are Blue Russian Cats Rare?

Blue Russian cats are rare, but not as rare as some other cat breeds, such as the Sphynx, the Savannah, or the Bengal.

Blue Russian cats are rare because they have a limited gene pool and a strict breeding standard, which make it difficult to produce and preserve this breed.

Blue Russian cats are also rare because they are not widely distributed and recognized, as they are only available and registered in some countries and regions.

However, Blue Russian cats are not as rare as they used to be, as they have become more popular and accessible in recent years, thanks to the efforts of dedicated breeders and associations, as well as the exposure of media and celebrities.

Blue Russian cats are rare, but not as rare as some other cat breeds.

Russian blue kitten on cushion


So, how much are Russian Blue cats? The price of this breed can vary depending on many factors. However, on average, you can expect to pay between $400 and $800 for a Russian Blue cat, regardless of where you live or buy the cat.

A Russian Blue cat is a wonderful companion, a loyal friend, and a beautiful family member, but it also requires some attention, affection, and responsibility from you.

That's why, before you decide to buy a Russian Blue cat, you should do your research, compare prices, check health records, inspect the cat, and ask questions.

And most importantly, you should be ready to enjoy the company and the charm of your Russian Blue cat, as they will surely enrich your life and make you happy.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand how much Russian Blue cats cost, and whether this breed is the right one for you.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

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