Where Can I Buy a Russian Blue Cat?

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If you are a cat lover, you might have heard of the Russian Blue cat. This breed is known for its striking blue coat, elegant appearance, and intelligent personality. But where can you buy a Russian Blue cat? And how can you make sure you are getting a healthy and purebred kitten?
Whether you are looking for a new companion, a gift for someone special, or just curious about this beautiful breed, this article is for you. Read on to discover everything you need to know about where to buy a Russian Blue cat.
Where to Find a Russian Blue Cat?
Finding a Russian Blue cat can be tricky, as this breed is rare and in high demand. You have three main options to choose from: breeders and catteries, rescue groups and shelters, and online platforms and classifieds.
Each option has its pros and cons, and you should consider them carefully before you make a decision.
Breeders and Catteries
If you want a purebred and high-quality Russian Blue cat, you might want to buy one from a breeder or a cattery. They can provide you with a lot of information and guarantees about the cat’s pedigree, health, and personality.
On the flip side, this option can also be expensive, time-consuming, and risky. You might have to pay a lot of money, wait for a long time, travel a long distance, and deal with some ethical issues. So do your research and find a reputable and trustworthy breeder or cattery.
Breeders and catteries can offer you a purebred and high-quality Russian Blue cat, but at a high cost and risk.
Rescue Groups and Shelters
Do you want to give a loving home to a Russian Blue cat that needs one? Then you might want to adopt one from a rescue group or a shelter. They can offer you a rewarding and fulfilling experience, and they can also help you with the adoption process and the aftercare.
However, this option can also be difficult, uncertain, and demanding. You might have a hard time finding a Russian Blue cat that matches your preferences, and you might not know much about the cat’s history, health, or personality.
You might also have to pay some fees and provide a lot of care and attention to your new cat. Therefore, you should be prepared to be flexible and patient, and to support the rescue group or the shelter.
Rescue groups and shelters can offer you a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but also a difficult and uncertain one.
Online Platforms and Classifieds
If you want a convenient and fast way to find a Russian Blue cat near you, you might want to use online platforms and classifieds. They can offer you a lot of options and a direct contact with the sellers.
But keep in mind that this option can also be risky, unreliable, and unsupported. You might not be able to verify the authenticity and reliability of the sellers, and you might not be able to see the cat in person before you buy it.
It could be the case that you won't get any support or assistance from the seller after you buy the cat. That's why you should be very careful and cautious, and do your homework and research.
Online platforms and classifieds can offer you a convenient and fast option, but also a risky and unsupported one.
How to Choose a Russian Blue Cat?
Once you have found a Russian Blue cat that you like, you might be wondering how to choose the best one for you. After all, this is a big decision that will affect your life and your cat’s life for many years.
You want to make sure that you and your cat are compatible, happy, and healthy. In the following, you will learn about some tips on how to choose a Russian Blue cat that fits your needs and expectations.
Things to Consider Before Buying a Russian Blue Cat
Before you buy a Russian Blue cat, you should think about some important factors that will affect your relationship with your cat.
Lifestyle and personality
Consider how a Russian Blue cat will fit into your daily routine, your hobbies, your work, and your social life. You should also consider how your personality matches with the Russian Blue cat’s personality.
Russian Blue cats are intelligent, loyal, and affectionate, but they are also independent, reserved, and sensitive. They need a lot of mental stimulation, attention, and love, but they also need some space and quiet time.
These cats are not very vocal, but they are very expressive with their eyes and body language. They are not very active, but they enjoy playing and exploring. They are not very friendly with strangers, but they bond deeply with their owners.
You should ask yourself if you can provide a Russian Blue cat with the environment, care, and companionship that they need and deserve.
Budget and resources
You should also consider how much money and time you can spend on your Russian Blue cat. You should factor in the initial cost of buying the cat, as well as the ongoing costs of feeding, grooming, vetting, and entertaining the cat.
Factor in the time and effort that you can devote to your cat, such as playing, training, cuddling, and cleaning. Consider the space and equipment that you have for your cat, such as a litter box, a scratching post, a bed, a carrier, and toys.
Ask yourself if you can afford a Russian Blue cat and if you can provide them with the best quality of life possible.
Family and other pets
Take into consideration how a Russian Blue cat will get along with your family members and other pets, if you have any. Introduce your cat to your family and pets gradually and carefully, and monitor their interactions.
Respect your cat’s preferences and boundaries, and not force them to interact with anyone or anything that they are not comfortable with. Make sure that your cat has a safe and cozy place where they can retreat and relax, away from any noise or disturbance.
Ask yourself if you can create a harmonious and peaceful environment for your Russian Blue cat and your other loved ones.
By considering these factors, you can make an informed and responsible decision about buying a Russian Blue cat. You can also avoid any potential problems or conflicts that might arise in the future.
Before buying a Russian Blue cat, you should consider your lifestyle, your budget, and your family.
How to Identify a Purebred Russian Blue Cat
If you want to buy a purebred Russian Blue cat, you should know how to identify one. This is because there are many cats that look similar to the Russian Blue cat, but are not actually purebred.
These include the British Blue, the Korat, the Chartreux, and the Nebelung. These cats might have some characteristics of the Russian Blue cat, such as the blue coat, the green eyes, or the slender body, but they are not the same breed.
To identify a purebred Russian Blue cat, you should look for the following features:
- The coat. The Russian Blue cat has a short, dense, and plush coat that is uniformly blue in color. The blue color can range from light silver to dark slate, but it should not have any patches, stripes, or spots. Their coat should also have a distinctive silver sheen that makes the cat shine in the light. It should be very soft and silky to the touch, and shed very little.
- The eyes. The Russian Blue cat has large, round, and expressive eyes that are bright green in color. The green color can vary from light emerald to dark jade, but it should not have any hints of yellow, blue, or brown. Their eyes should also be set wide apart and slightly slanted, giving the cat a sweet and alert expression.
- The body. The Russian Blue cat has a medium-sized, slender, and graceful body that is well-proportioned and muscular. Their body should have a long and elegant neck, a straight and level back, and a long and tapering tail. The body consists of a fine-boned and wedge-shaped head, with large and pointed ears, a straight and narrow nose, and a strong and prominent chin.
If you look for these features, you can distinguish a purebred Russian Blue cat from other similar-looking cats. Remember to ask for a certificate of pedigree from the seller, which should show the cat’s ancestry and registration with a reputable cat association.
To identify a purebred Russian Blue cat, you should look for the blue coat, the green eyes, and the slender body.
How to Prepare for Your New Russian Blue Cat
After you have chosen a Russian Blue cat that you like, you should prepare for their arrival. This is because a new cat can be stressed and scared by the change of environment, and they might need some time and help to adjust to their new home.
To prepare for your new Russian Blue cat, you should do the following things:
- Get the necessary supplies. Get the basic supplies that your cat will need, such as a litter box, a scratching post, a bed, a carrier, and toys. You should also get the food and water bowls, the grooming tools, the collar and tag, and the microchip. Provide the same food and litter that your cat was used to, to avoid any digestive or behavioral issues.
- Set up a safe and comfortable space. Set up a small and cozy room where your cat can stay for the first few days or weeks, until they feel more confident and curious. Put the supplies in the room, and make sure that the room is clean, quiet, and secure. Leave some of your clothes or blankets in the room, to make your cat feel more familiar and comfortable with your scent.
- Introduce your cat to your home and family. Introduce your cat to your home and family gradually and gently, and let your cat explore at their own pace. Don't force your cat to interact with anyone or anything that they are not ready for, and respect your cat’s preferences and boundaries. You should also monitor your cat’s behavior and health, and look for any signs of stress, illness, or injury.
This way, you can make your new Russian Blue cat feel more welcome and happy in their new home. It may also help with bonding with your cat and establishing a trusting and loving relationship.
To prepare for your new Russian Blue cat, you should get the necessary supplies, set up a safe and comfortable space, and introduce your cat to your home and family.

Where to Buy Russian Blue Cats: FAQ
Next, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about buying a Russian Blue cat. These questions include how much do Russian Blue cats cost, and how to buy a cat from Russia.
How Much Do Russian Blue Cats Cost?
The price of a Russian Blue cat can vary depending on several factors, such as the location, quality, reputation, and demand of the seller.
Generally, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2000 for a purebred Russian Blue kitten, and from $100 to $500 for a mixed or adult Russian Blue cat.
But these are only rough estimates, and the actual price can be higher or lower depending on the specific case. Factor in the additional costs of owning a Russian Blue cat, such as the food, litter, vet, grooming, and toys.
These costs can add up to several hundred dollars per year, depending on the quality and quantity of the products and services you choose.
The price of a Russian Blue cat can range from $500 to $2000 for a purebred kitten, and from $100 to $500 for a mixed or adult cat, plus the additional costs of ownership.
How to Buy a Cat From Russia?
If you want to buy a Russian Blue cat from Russia, you should be aware of the challenges and risks involved. Buying a cat from another country can be complicated, expensive, and risky, as you have to deal with different laws, regulations, customs, and cultures.
You have to find a reputable and trustworthy seller, who can provide you with the necessary documents, records, and guarantees. You will need to arrange the transportation, the quarantine, the vaccination, and the microchipping of the cat. On top of that, you'll have to pay the fees, taxes, duties, and insurance of the cat.
If they occur, you'll need to deal with the potential delays, damages, losses, or scams during the process. Be prepared for any unexpected problems or complications that might arise along the way.
Buying a cat from Russia can be complicated, expensive, and risky, as you have to deal with different laws, regulations, customs, and cultures.

Buying a Russian Blue cat can be a wonderful and rewarding experience, but it can also be a challenging and responsible one.
You have to find, choose, and prepare for your new furry friend, and you have to consider many factors, such as your lifestyle, budget, family, and expectations.
You also need to know where to buy a Russian Blue cat, and how to identify a purebred one. Weigh the pros and cons of different options, such as breeders and catteries, rescue groups and shelters, and online platforms and classifieds. Always do your research, ask questions, and trust your instincts.
Remember, buying a Russian Blue cat is not only a financial investment, but also an emotional commitment. You are not only buying a cat, but also gaining a friend. A friend that will be loyal, affectionate, and intelligent.
A friend that will be with you for many years to come, and that will make your life more beautiful and enjoyable. Your Russian Blue cat will love you unconditionally.
So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and introduce a Russian Blue cat into your family today. You won’t regret it.
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